Title VI Compliance Report
City of Culver City, CA
Multimodal Planning
GIS Mapping
Completed, June 2017
Project Description:
The City of Culver City is committed to ensuring that no person is excluded from participation in, or denied the benefits of its transit and dial-a-ride service on the basis of sex, race, color or national origin under Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Title VI Guidelines require an analysis of minority areas in the City’s service area. Consequently, EBA, in collaboration with Diversified Transportation Solutions, tabulated minority populations by census tract for the City’s service area. A complete set of census tract maps, including a base map and route overlays depicting minority population and transit service were prepared for inclusion into the report. In addition, EBA collected first-hand bus passenger data to inform the quantitative analysis.
750 E. Green Street, Suite 301
Pasadena, CA 91101
Phone: 626.799.8011
Email: info@ebaplanning.com
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