South Pasadena Transit Talks Tramadol Order Online Tramadol 50Mg Client:
City of South Pasadena, CA

source source url Services:
Community Outreach 
Geographic Information Systems (GIS) 
Graphic Design

here Status:
October 2023 – November 2023

Project Description:

follow url In support of the South Pasadena Transit Division Assessment, EBA led a dynamic 2.5-week initiative culminating in the highly engaging “South Pasadena Transit Talks” held on November 14, 2023. The primary objective was to gauge community sentiment and perceptions regarding the existing transit system.

here In preparation for the open houses, we engaged in a variety of tasks to ensure their success. Our team assisted the Mobility Advancement Group (MAG) in designing and implementing interactive activities such as interactive maps and story sharing sessions to foster community involvement and gather valuable feedback. Additionally, we provided extensive graphic design support, creating captivating flyers, social media posts, and informative posterboards to effectively communicate event details and engage diverse demographics. On the day of the open houses, our staff offered comprehensive support, facilitating participant engagement, managing interactive activities, and ensuring smooth operation of the events. We also undertook thorough documentation and data collection, capturing essential qualitative and quantitative insights. Following the events, we compiled and delivered all collected information, including photographs and attendance data, to MAG in a clear and accessible format, providing a comprehensive overview of community feedback and engagement to inform the Transit Division Assessment. This project not only demonstrated our expertise in community outreach and event management but also highlighted our ability to effectively gather and present valuable community insights.

enter follow site Address:
750 E. Green Street, Suite 301 
Pasadena, CA 91101 Phone: 626.799.8011
Order 180 Tramadol Overnight Email:

go site It all starts with a conversation. Let's start a project together.