Rosemont Avenue Complete Streets Feasibility Study

City of Pasadena, CA

Multimodal Planning
Community Outreach

February 2020 – July 2021

Project Description:

Identified in the City’s 2020-2024 Capital Improvement Project list and consistent with the General Plan’s Mobility Element to design intersections for safe and efficient flows of vehicles, pedestrians, and bicycles, this project involved the preparation of a concept study to develop pedestrian safety and connectivity enhancements along Rosemont Avenue between Orange Grove Boulevard and Seco Street. 

Due to COVID-19, community outreach activities were digital. Outreach included a City-hosted website page with content explaining the project, mailing informative postcards to addresses near and along the immediate corridor, an online survey for the general public, and several meetings with the Rose Bowl Operating Company. 

Utilizing the collected outreach, EBA and the City prepared several concept plan renderings and cost estimates. A final report with tables, graphics, and each alternative concept plan was prepared. The intended outcome of the project is to develop a community-supported conceptual design for future safety enhancements.

750 E. Green Street, Suite 301 
Pasadena, CA 91101

Phone: 626.799.8011

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