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City of Grand Terrace, CA

https://autismwish.org/31kncee https://www.insearchofsukoon.com/2i33cykp Services:
Grant Writing
Grants Management

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Project Description:

see Located in San Bernardino County, the City of Grand Terrace is primarily a bedroom community and boasts one of the highest median incomes in the Inland Empire.  In working with the City, EBA has written 4 grants (3 of which were funded) totaling $1 million, which include:

  • California Parks and Recreation’s Habitat Conservation Fund for a Trail and Trailhead Development at Blue Mountain ($212,522)
  • Caltrans’ HSIP for Advanced Speed Warning and Intersection Improvements ($435,700)
  • Caltrans’ HSIP for Intersection Safety Improvements ($793,800)

https://splendormedicinaregenerativa.com/9u1lnd0 EBA also prepared and submitted a concept proposal for slope stabilization along Mt. Vernon Avenue. The concept proposal was submitted to the FEMA Hazard Mitigation Grant Program.  The proposal was successful and EBA was selected to develop a full application.

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