Downtown Main Street Specific Plan & Environmental Impact Report

see url Client:
City of El Monte, CA Services:
Land Use Planning
Urban Design
Environmental Compliance
Complete Streets

Cheapest Tramadol Overnight Status:
2013 – Completed, April 2017

Project Description:

see After receiving a grant from the Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority (Metro) to create a comprehensive land use and design plan for the Main Street (Downtown) District and to identify transit-oriented development opportunities within and around the Downtown District, EBA managed a team of planners to develop a comprehensive specific plan that achieved the City’s goals to create a “sense of place” for the Downtown District while providing safe pedestrian connections to nearby transit and mixed-use development opportunities. This process will culminate with the presentation of a Specific Plan for the Downtown District. In addition to the Plan, EBA led the CEQA documentation review process to develop an EIR. The EIR evaluated in detail the following environmental issues of the proposed Specific Plan: Aesthetics; Air Quality; Biological Resources; Cultural Resources; Geology and Soils; Greenhouse Gas Emissions; Hazards and Hazardous Materials; Hydrology and Water Quality; Land Use and Planning; Noise; Population and Housing; Public Services and Recreation; Transportation and Traffic; and Utilities and Service Systems.

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